Friday, May 18, 2012

Greetings from the slightly-distant future

Hello, how are ye doin'? I'm good. I think I finally have a reason to justify your existence:


You see: A long time ago, a man once said that a post would be made in the not-too-distant slightly-distant future that would enlighten the trillions of followers of this blog. My friends, that time could possibly be now. As of this moment, the brave team of Machan Horenker working on the PARTICLE PLATFORMER project have finally overcome their ignorance and made it so that collisions with enemies are registered. In addition, more content has been poured into the feeding trough called the screenshots/videos page. So consume away and devour our tasty morsels that  we provide for you. You need us. 
Now that we have established who is the boss here, let's get into the big update. Increased particle control is now available to you, the player. That's right, we are empowering you. Can you handle the power come 20XX When the world will enjoy the delicious taste of Particle Platformer. 
The camera control is now at DEFCON SWEET, which if you ask me, is pretty freaking sweet. The camera now adeptly follows the player no matter where they go. Fun stuff.

I just want you people to know: This is happening. This is not a dream. This is not a test. This game can be ready. It probably will revolutionize the world, but worst case scenario, it will just blow the minds of all 5.8 trillion Particle Platformer fans and all 0.00000001 haters of the Particle Platformer project. 
New screenshots and videos have been added for the project. View, laugh, love, and wait for the next update.  

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