This week, we type our update to the tune of a Lady Gaga cover provided by one of the other game groups testing their music during the class meeting time. It's pretty catchy actually. The post just below this one is our updated schedule, which we made on Wednesday. It's got a Gantt chart and everything! Also, according to the new schedule, we're ahead of schedule! That's right, AHEAD OF SCHEDULE!!!!!!!! =D (slightly.)
We've completed all of the week six objectives, which include the ability to display particles, collision detection, and upgraded character animation. Basically, we achieved this by lowering our standards. In the old schedule, we were supposed to have a working game by this point so that we could start making levels, puzzles, and bosses. So now we're instead going to try and just have working game in time for the demonstration in week ten. Right now, we basically have the ability to run around and jump on platforms; in addition, we have particles that follow the player and have the ability to disperse via right clicking. (They also follow the mouse as long as left click is held down.) Also, I've just been informed that a minor bug with collision detection has just been fixed, so collision detection is now working absolutely perfectly, so that Toby can crash into things like a boss. Muhahahaha!
In addition to all that awesome stuff, we're nearly finished with making a vector of walls, which will allow us to have many platforms to crash into instead of just one. We also have a cool background. These things aren't supposed to be done until the end of weeks 7 and 8, respectively, hence the excitement about now being slightly ahead of schedule. Once the aforementioned vector (or, as C# calls it, a list) is completed, we should be able to add camera scrolling fairly easily, so we should have a game that's dramatically good-looking inside of two weeks. Enemies and the ability to blow them up will then be the only things left to accomplish. So, yea. Awesome sauce.
Site is in good shape.
ReplyDeleteVery good idea not to schedule critical tasks in week 10.
No blog for weeks 1 or 2 (-3)
Dave A.
Grade = 97