Friday, May 25, 2012

Week 8 Update

     So, the game is nearing completion.  According to our schedule, all that's left is music and debugging.  And our game currently has no major bugs.  So we're once again somewhat ahead of schedule, as these things were intended to be finished week nine.  Right now, we're working on a title screen so that we can make the deaths more meaningful (instead of just running around with an empty health bar).  Soon, we'll be hard-coding a demo level into the game so that a proper demonstration can be made.  When combined with the awesome music that we've been assured is public domain, you should all be in for a real treat come week ten.  Speaking of music, have a listen!     < >

(That's a link to one of the tracks we're considering.  Yea, it's not Particle Man,  but it's public domain, so ha!)
So, right now we have "an interesting tech demo ... [that] looks like the very beginnings of a great game."  (Frank Lee)  Our current objective is two-fold: to add more content (such as music and flying enemies) and to create a single solid level for our presentation.  We also have to actually make said presentation, which is somehow due Monday of week ten, but that's besides the point.  So that Acho doesn't think I'm being over confident, I'll also mention that we have to make the particles do more things, like double jumping, in order to make the game more interesting.

     Questions? Comments? Concerns?  As we move into the final stages of our proof of concept development, we appreciate your input.  You can contact us at, or you can attend the presentation during week 10, which will take place sometime between 3 and 5 on June 8th.  (We'll have Q&A, I promise!)  Until then, happy particling!


P.S. We might have a download of our game in the final update, i.e. next week.  We think it would be really swell, but it's not a guarantee, so don't get your hopes up too much.


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